Erectile dysfunction or impotence affects 98% of men at one time or another during their lifetime. This used to be a little spoken about and embarrassing condition, but today, with advances in medicine and technology, impotence is no longer a taboo subject. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get and/or maintain and erection or premature ejaculation. Of all erectile dysfunctions, women most hate the premature ejaculator (PE). These PE’s always leave the woman wondering what the fuss was all about, never mind the frustration of not being sexually satisfied. Fortunately, there is an inexpensive alternative to the trademark Viagra that completely eradicates the humiliating sexual dysfunction. Kamagra is the generic version of Viagra and because it is generic, it is very inexpensive. It also contains the exact active ingredient, Sildenafil as does the trademark version and also in the exact same quantities. Kamagra UK will give a man a g...